Why you should use NRT's for quitting smoking

    Taken from quitnet.com   I can't began to tell you how great this place is for support of smoking cessation. Do not go alone when there are fellow quitters to help and guide you. quitnet.com I tried to go cold turkey and could not do it.

    The NRT's allowed me to quit in a certain comfort zone. They replaced the nicotine while I was adjusting to not smoking. I started with the patch and kept that up for about three months. I finally grew weary of the red sore spot where it was applied. Consider all of the nicotine entering through a 2" square area on your body that isn't used to that. It will be sore.

    I then transitioned to nicotine gum and some Snus use,. Yeah its tobacco but its not smoking. I use the Camel brand which is imported from Sweden and the safest of all of the types of chew,snuff or Snus.

Quitnet's take on NRT's follows :

    NRTs work on the principle that (once addicted) it’s not nicotine that triggers smoking cravings, but the LACK of it. Saying nicotine can't be effective in treating tobacco addiction is like saying the flu virus can't be used to create an effective flu vaccine.

    Using an NRT alters the 'bolus effect'- the rapid nicotine blood level spikes and troughs that create the cravings for nicotine- by providing smaller but more consistent doses of nicotine. When you inhale tobacco smoke, nicotine gets to your brain in 7-10 seconds, and begins breaking down immediately. The speed of this process is largely what makes smoking so addictive and cravings so strong.
    However, the fastest acting NRTs- the nasal spray or inhaler- slow the bolus effect to minutes rather than seconds; the patch literally takes hours to reach full dose in the bloodstream. This slowing of the process helps to effectively dismantle the power of the bolus effect.

    In addition, while you are still ingesting NRT nicotine (less than half your smoking level, on average), you're not smoking. You could literally use NRTs for the rest of your life and eliminate almost all your tobacco-related health risk. No cancer causing toxins or chemicals, no lung-destroying smoke and tar, etc.

    Using NRT is also effective on a behavioral level, as it breaks the hand-to-mouth cycle and diminishes withdrawal to the point where you can continue your quits without disruption of your daily routines- a key relapse trigger.

The analogy I use is this:
You can jump out of an airplane with or without a parachute. Both ways will get you to the ground. The slower way, however, is more likely to get you SAFELY to the ground.

    That being said, we don’t claim that cold-turkey is not a valid treatment. For many quitters it is (middle-aged men heavily involved in 12-step fellowships are often the most successful with it). Cold-turkey is simply not the best reatment overall, and claims that it is are erroneous at best and dangerously fraudulent at worst.


Q Counselor

Taken from quitnet.com   I can't began to tell you how great this place is for support of smoking cessation. Do not go alone when there are fellow quitters to help and guide you. quitnet.com 

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